Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 27: Cutting Corners

We did a pitiful, cut short, we're so hungry, whiny run yesterday. It was funny how the spiral downward and lack of motivation sucked us both down until we agreed. OK - only 5 running segments instead of 6. (Not too bad of a compromise.) I'll give the little guy credit. He doesn't love it but he keeps running (are we really running or just sort of jogging) with me, and he is awesome company. We discuss our day, laugh and support each other.

Chip is on the beach in the Turks and Caicos with Wheel and running... or so he says. I think he may be "running" to the nearest ice cream stand. OH.... he'll pay when he returns! When we speed right past him.

Saturday a.m. is our next scheduled run. The forecast is for snow and sleet; I can tell you no running. I'll get back to it on Sunday afternoon when it warms up. Schedule so far  Mon | Wed | Sat  - seems to be working. But it's hard to believe in 27 days I've only run 10 times. Seems pretty wimpy to me.

New training schedule continued. Podcast week 2*
Workout 10:  warm up 5 mins | run 90 secs / rest 2 mins (6 5 pitiful segments, always asking "are we done yet?") | Cool down

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 26: Runnin' Down a Dream

It was a beautiful day, the sun beat down. I had my radio on. I was driving.
Trees flew by, me and Del were singing "Little Runaway", I was flyin'

Runnin' down a dream, that never would come to me.
Working on a mystery, going wherever it leads... 
                Runnin' down a dream.

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, 1989

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 24: Family Run - Monday Fun

Mondays have become the only day we typically run as a family. Family runs are humourous. If only I could provide a video for your amusement. Tonight did seem easier than before, but still not a "no effort, should be able to carry on a conversation easily" type of run that Ullrey pronounces on his podcast.

Spoke to Molly Barker on Tuesday who is both encouraging and inspiring - and real. She told me I might be one of those who is so glad when it's over. Could be! We will see.

New training schedule continued. Podcast week 2*
Workout 9:  warm up 5 mins | run 90 secs / rest 2 mins (6 segments) | Cool down\

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 22: Today Embarks Team WhiteOak

Look at that form, will ya? Me and my friend, Claire Oakley, who agree two weeks ago to join in the GOTR training. It's cold. It's damp and we're running. Claire is now on the bandwagon. She will run on a schedule each week - and we will sync up on Sat mornings...

We're renamed ourselves as Team WhiteOak. It helps to someone new. We have moved to Level 2 of the training. Team WhiteOak Rocks!

New training schedule continued. Podcast week 2*
Workout 8:  warm up 5 mins | run 90 secs / rest 2 mins (Total of 20 mins) | Cool down\

*We are doing 2 weeks at each level instead of the 1 week per level recommended by Robert Ullrey. This is in hopes of sustaining interest and drive thru May! 

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 21: Raining - No Running...

And I ran, I ran so far away.
I just ran. I ran both night and day.
Couldn't get away.....
                                               Flock of Seagulls  - 1982

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 19: Back in Queen City

A plane ride, a day's work and I'm back at it in Governor's Square. Team White was down to 2 runners today - me and my son. As soon as we headed down the path, he put on the pout. Oh no... anything but running with the pouty boy! So ensued the normal mom/son questioning...

What's up? You don't seem happy.
Well it doesn't seem like nothing. Did something go wrong at school?
What is it then?
"I just don't know why I'm doing this running training thing. I don't really want to. I can run a 5k!"

Well... there you have it. My 10-year-old son can run a 5k. He never has of couse. And he doesn't need training. Listen, I didn't need training when I was his age either - except maybe a training-bra! No, seriously. If I have to listen to mopey pants the entire run...I might quit... thank goodness he finally cheered up.
He cheered up just in time to twist his ankle on the trail. (Are you seeing a pattern here?) Oh yeah, and I made him keep running; never once gave him an ounce of sympathy. THAT, my friends, is how you get voted Mother of the Year! (He got over the ankle twist pretty quickly. Must not have been that bad.)

As you can see I'm serious about this running thing! Nothing stopping me yet - not even mopey boy.

New training schedule today! Podcast week 2: New music on podcast, too.
Workout 7:  warm up 5 mins | run 90 secs / rest 2 mins (Total of 20 mins) | Cool down while cooking dinner. Readers: don't try this at home.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 17: No iPod, Egads!

My iPod is dead and I forgot my USB charger cord. Eeeek! I can't run without Robert Ullrey whispering sweet running nothings in my ear! I call Chip to tell him the tragedy laughs. "Can't you just count to 60 running; then count to 90 walking and start over again 8 times?"

"Egads, man!" I reply, "Have you lost your mind? I am not a runner! I must have my Ullrey."

So, it's off to Walmart to find a quick charger or something. Defeated and downtrodden after 10 minutes searching the mega-walmart in Corsicana, TX -- where they have plenty of ride-on shopping cart thingys (I was almost run down twice by women on motorized cart-things coming around corners) but no iPod chargers -- I leave empty handed but determined to run, even without music and my precious Ullrey, I go back to the park.

Looking at my watch was an utter failure and counting didn't really work either, so I used the equi-distant lightposts ringing the track as markers for 60-second and 90-second intervals.

Note to self: running without iPod is like chips without salsa. Tolerable, but boring.

Workout 6: Stretching while watching ducks/swans.  5 minute warm-up watching the clock; 8 complete 5-pole run segments /6-pole walk segments around a pond; 5 min trash pick-up cool down

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 15: That's right, you're not from Texas....

That's right you're not from Texas,
But Texas wants you (to run) anyway!  Lyle Lovett* 2008
*OK.. not the "to run" part. I wrote those lyrics.

An early flight, a lot of coffee and a surprise visit to Corsicana, Texas. Grabbed the iPod and ran at my sister's park. Who would've thunk I'd actually take time to run in Texas? Had to. My dear hubby is showing me up with his 3x a week consistent running. Doesn't he know it's a GIRLS on the Run 5k?

It was a little wierd not running with Team White. Miss them. Hope they are running too. At least four girls have stepped up to run with me. Hard to believe I am only on run #5. Seems like a lifetime of running....

Workout 5: No stretch. 5 minute warm-up with dachsunds and curious kids; 8 60-sec. runs /90-sec. walk segments in a brutally cold wind; 5 min cool down

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 14: Running up that my mind

"And if I only could, I'd make a deal with God, And I'd get him to swap our places
Be running up that road...
      Be running up that hill....
          Be running up that building..."    Kate Bush....1985

Didn't run today, but Chip did.  For me, life got in the way. But I thought about running a lot. (Does that count?)  Somewhere between phone calls to Texas to check on my mom, who is in the hospital, working late on the February issue of Charlotte Parent, and the late night bass guitar lesson I forgot about, I lost track of time to get it done. It would really, really be helpful if I could designate a set time to run.  A goal to pursue. Until then, I'm on the run, and trying to find time to run.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In between runs.....

"Running on empty. Running on. Running blind. Running on. I'm running into the sun but I'm running behind...."

Jackson Brown. 1978.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 9/10 - Just Another Manic Monday

As I headed out the door to run, my family impatiently waiting, I realized it would be tough to do this without them. Since they run with me, I don't have to feel guilty about not spending time with my son or discussing the days affairs with my husband, or not getting supper on the table at 6pm or any other silly notion. I can just run.

Before we left, my son was complaining of a sore heel."I'll just have to limp," he said. Funny. He wasn't limping while toy-shopping at Target today! Half a block into the warm-up, he tripped and "hurt his ankle" (other leg.) Drama ensued, but we ignored him. Then again, on a steep slope, where I was warning him not to do "tricks", run sideways an otherwise goof around, he tripped/twisted/whoknowswhat! Again, pleas for a swift return home -- NO WAY! --- we were only 3 segments into the program.

So, there you have it. The struggle of the running mom.

Train with the kid - don't train with the kid. That is the question! 

Running with my husband and son requires finding a very different mental place than running by myself at the Y - - where I found a zen moment and pounded through. But at least running with family means, I'm not checking my watch. I'm just running... Not that I like running, mind you. I am still a non-runner in running shoes. As I down-dogged and warriored my way through my codYoga (crack-of-dawn-yoga) at 5:30am, I appreciated it all the more, because at least I wasn't running.

if I can do it -- anyone can.

Workout 4: Stretch cut short by improvisational stretching, lots of moaning and huffing and a general disinterest in the whole process; 5 minute warm-up interrupted by a faux ankle sprain; 8 60-sec. runs /90-sec. walk segments sporadically sprinkled with complaints, maladies and a few please to go home; 5 min cool down

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day 8: The Gym Run!

With days of freezing temps in the teens, I found many excuses not to run. Then, suddenly it occurred to me ... I could run on the treadmill at the Y. So I trotted off to the gym.

Now let's talk about how crazy it has been to fit running into my life! Well, I missed Wed., Thu., and Fri. - for many reasons, most of them related to job and family. It's hard to be a running mom, but if Molly Barker, Susan Watts, Sally McKinley, Jenny Herndon (need I go on???) can all do it - then so can I.

Once I got to the gym, another obstacle presented itself... All the treadmills were full. It was a big day at the Y for New Year's Resolutioners. So, I went upstairs, plugged in my iPod and started around the track. DONE! I finished week one and next week we'll start week 2.

Workout 2: Stretch; 5 minute warm-up; 8 60-sec. run /90-sec. walk segments; 5 min cool down. round and round and round the track... seeing the same butts over and over again.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 5: Guilty

Feeling guilty for not running. I'll need to get on a schedule.We can't seem to get all three of us on a training schedule that works, so we may have to divide and conquer. I'm going for Mon/Thu/Sat. That works for me though it may not for hubby and son because of other activities. Maybe we're over-scheduled?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 4 - Not So Bad

Running in the frigid temps last night was not so bad. It's more fun when you have your son and husband along to laugh at with! We are a sight to see... my son with his iPod on, singing out loud to the Ben10 Movie theme song, doing skips and jumps and spins. Then, my husband forging ahead, running faster than all of us - in spite of his Nanook of the North look (remember, it's 30-something degrees)., dragging up the rear, calling out Robert Ullrey's podcast commands from my iPod to Team White ("You're doing great! Almost there. Now, ready?....RUN!").

It wasn't so bad. I'm proud we made it this far.(haha... two days!) Our stretching segment was already approaching frantic... kind of the "I'm too busy to stretch" syndrome. Hope we can endure longer than a week!

Workout 2:  Impatient stretching; 5 minute (cold) warm-up | 8 60-sec. run /90-sec. walk segments | 5 min freeze down.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 3-You're Kidding, Right?

OK, it's 32 degrees. I did yoga at 5:30am; I worked all day. I haven't cooked supper yet and we have a  church function at 7. You're kidding right? I really gotta run?!!

If not today, when... so here we go.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day 1 - On the Run

Welcome to my training blog! Let me tell you why I'm here.
My friend and fellow GOTR (Girls on the Run) board member, Sue, dreamed schemed up this wild idea, that I should train for the GOTR Charlotte 5k in May and blog about it. As editor of Charlotte Parent, I'm already a blogger and writer, so that part is easy -- but one thing I am NOT, is a runner. Never have been. Never will be. As a matter of fact, I tend to brag about how I hate to run. I exercise, do yoga, and stay active, but running is another thing altogether.

So, to humor my Girls on the Run friends, I agreed. My husband and son agreed to join me, too. I think they don't believe I'll make it, so they're coming along for moral support. Of course, I quickly forgot about my commitment in the whirlwind of the holidays. And really, January 2010 seemed so far away.

Then, on New Year's Eve, at a dinner party with friends, I suddenly remembered my promise - and announced my intentions to seal the deal. After a few hearty laughs, the other moms around the table offered to join my training sessions.  My friend, and walker-extraordinaire (who just finished the 39-mile Avon Walk!) Claire Oakley wants to train with me, and once we are fast enough we will let our friend, uber-runner Susan Watts, coach us. Quite frankly, she's an awesome runner and I'm scared of her. I'm sure she would run me into the ground.

So, here we go... . Today, I downloaded a schedule from , loaded a podcast from Robert Utlley's "Coach to 5K" program on my iPod, forced my family into some stretches, started a blog, Running in the Mom Zone, and took off on my (our!) first run. It wasn't so bad except it was 37 degrees. Brrr... with a little huffing and puffing.. and we made it. 

Tune in. Join us. Laugh. Cry... I'm sure I will.

Workout 1 - 12 stretches - 5 min warm up ; 8 60sec run / 90sec walk segments - 5 min cool down.