Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Slackin' on the Bloggin'

I may be slackin' on bloggin' but I have been running. As I look out my office window, just minutes before midnight and watch as the snow blankets the ground, I am sooooo happy I ran yesterday!

It's not like I wanted to, or enjoyed it, or even had a good run -- in fact, it stunk! But at least I did it. As I jogged along, all iPod-wires flapping, hoodie strings slapping, huffing and puffing down the road in SouthPark, I dodged cars, navigated curbs and gutters, saw cigarette butts fly out windows, said Hello to a little old man walking a prissy dog, wondered about a burned-out house and envied another whose smoke was curling slowly out of the chimney.

Making my way through a 5-minute torture run --- (do you really think I'll be able to do a 5K in May?) -- I thought of all the things a runner must see. What's the most interesting or unusual thing you've seen while running?

Don't run yet? Why not join me? 

YOU could start today and be ready in time for May. Come on... if I can do it... you can.

Training:  Week 4 program:  5 minute warm up walk | Run 3 mins/walk 90 secs | Run 5-min/walk 2.5 mins | Run 3 mins/walk 90 secs | Run 5-min: DONE! almost  5 min cool down.


  1. Keep going Eve. We'll cross the line together.

  2. Can't think of anything strange I've seen off the top of my head, but I know there must be something! Hmmmm...

    I KNOW you can finish the 5K. Keep up the good work! Race day is coming quick.

  3. Thanks for keeping me straight!
