I'm approx 78 days into running. Saturday, while the little guy practiced baseball, I went to the track and ran. Track running is very interesting. It is a mind game, of sorts. It's easier because you have no hills to negotiate, no turns to make, no decisions about your course or path. No people to wave at, no cars to dodge, no dogs on leashes to jog around. But it's harder that way, too.
You circle that monontonous oval a mind-numbing 12+ times, trying desperately not to watch the clock.
My goal for this day - courtesy of Robert Ullrey - was to run 20 minutes straight. Well, I can tell you that did NOT happen. I made it to about 10 minutes. Stopped and walked for 3 minutes. Picked up the pace again and made it another 9 minutes before giving up out of shear mental exhaustion. I just don't have the stamina mentally and physically yet to make it through. I keep trying and striving for the goal which lies ahead.... the finish line of the Girls on the Run Charlotte 5K. See you at the finish line!
Training: 5 minutes warm-up | 20 minute run | 5 minute cool down. (Didn't exactly happen like that..) Actual: 5 minutes warm-up | 10 minute run | 3 minute walk | 9 minute run | 5 minute cool down.
Blog Facelift
9 years ago